OUr projects
New Construction and Additions
ACC can help you design your new facility throughout all phases of construction: planning and design, approvals, and construction.
Whether your building is outdated, needs an updated floor plan, or has structural deficiencies ACC can help. With experience in projects from new tenant to owner occupied spaces, ACC can minimize your downtime.
Medical and Dental
Project Details Coming Soon!
ACC has extensive experience with healthcare projects: both new facilities and renovation. From customized orthodontics facilities to doctor’s offices, ACC is a leader in planning, design and construction.
Project Details Coming Soon!
Aldrich Construction has proven performance in the industrial sector. We have the skillset to assist with every aspect of a project from site planning through design and construction of a well-coordinated and efficient facility.
Talk to us
(860) 647-7544
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.